
Radovan Beli Marković

Radovan Beli Markovic (b. in the village of Celije near Lazarevac, 1947), was educated in Lajkovac, Lazarevac and Belgrade. He was a journalist at the “Napred” daily newspaper and afterward, till retirement he was the director of the Municipal Library of Lajkovac. He was a member of the editorial board of important literary magazines, a member of the Serbian Writers’Association and of Serbian PEN. In his literary works and in real life he is inclined toward irony and self-irony, so it is his custom to say that “I finally believed I was a writer when my name showed up in a crossword puzzle”, despite the fact that several studies and doctoral dissertations have been written about his prose. He lives and works in Lajkovac.

He is the author of the novels: Arsonist and Theresa Full of Grace (Palikuca i Tereza milosti puna, 1976), Railroad to Lajkovac (Lajkovacka pruga, 1997), received the Nolit Award and Branko Copic Award; Street lights of Celije (Limunacija u Celijama, 2000), winner of the Meša Selimovic Award for the best novel; The Last Rose of Kolubara (Poslednja ruža Kolubare, 2001); Prince Myshkin in Magnificent Valjevo (Knez Miškin u Belom Valjevu, 2002); Nine White Clouds (Devet belih oblaka, 2003); Pedal Orchestra (Orkestar na pedale, 2004); Old School Cavaliers (Kavaleri starog premera, 2006); Lady Olga (Gospo_a Olga, 2010) which was short-listed for the prestigious NIN Award.

Beli Markovic is the author of several collections of short stories among which are: A Black Cake (Crni kolac, 1985); Swabian Scythe (Švapska kosa, 1989), The Years of Denouement (Godine raspleta, 1992); Settembrini in Kolubara (Setembrini u Kolubari, 1996) for which he won the Andric Award; Old Stories (Stare price, 1999); Little Stories: Vitae Fragmenta (Male price: vitae fragmenta, 1999) the winner of the Bora Stankovic Award; The Blind Side (Corava strana, 2007). Stories authored by Radovan Beli Markovic have been included in several selections and anthologies (in Serbian, German, English, Ukrainian and Macedonian).

Ostale knjige autora

Consoling the Boy
Radovan Beli Marković

Godina izdanja: 2015

Cena: 1056 739.2 din